In life, transitions happen throughout, sometimes in cyclical form like the changing seasons, and sometimes in more permanent or long-term shifts such as moving to a new location. In the past month, we have all experienced the move into Springtime after a long, harsh winter. Also in the past month, I have begun to grapple with a more challenging transition: attempting to accept that my chronic Lyme disease is not yet under control enough to return to regular full-time work.
Transitions can be disconcerting, desired, or even sought, depending on the situation. But I am feeling a good deal of sadness, as I loved the job I had for 4 years, and resisted the limitations of my illness for a long time. Reality can be a hard thing to accept.
Storm Moon, 2011 |
I am blessed to be surrounded by so much love and light, guiding and supporting me through a transition I had not envisioned. After speaking with various friends and resources, I am beginning to see some potential in what at first glance feels dis-empowering. Nature and animals have long inspired my art work, and now it is time for my own art work to inspire my soul. Lyme may currently limit my ability to work scheduled hours, but my art I can do at any time I feel up to creating - no set time, no expectations, no standards. Just me and my paints and my camera. With art my illness limitations are blurred and I can begin to remember the essence of my true self.
Art is often food for the soul, and although not a cure, I believe it will help sustain me through the challenges yet to come. I hope to someday soon begin donating a portion of the proceeds from my art sales towards Lyme disease research and education.
I hope that my art creations will inspire your soul too.
To Art, Light Amidst Darkness & Hope for the Future,
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