Sunday, December 18, 2011

Raising Lyme Awareness Through My Artwork

The holiday season is all about giving and also reflecting on what is most important in our lives. In my case, I have been on treatment for chronic Lyme for a year now. I find I don't take things for granted like I used to and although there's still a lot of things I haven't yet been able to do again I am determined to try to focus more on what I CAN do, like inspiring others through my artwork. 

Lyme disease currently doesn't have the public spotlight as much as other illnesses, such as cancer or AIDS, and so for this holiday season I have endeavored to help raise awareness of chronic Lyme.  

5% of all my November and December art sales will be donated to the all volunteer, national non-profit Lyme Disease Association (LDA). Its not going to change the world, but I hope it will contribute to more (healthy) people learning about the severity of tick-borne illness in the US. 

Shop locally in VT at: The Block Gallery & Coffeehouse (Winooski), Artists' Mediums (Williston) and Guy's Farm & Yard (Williston). Shop online at Etsy: With your support, I do believe we can make a difference.

Many Thanks & Happy Holidays!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Art for a Cause

"Irises Gazing at Camel's Hump"
Until 8pm on Friday. November 4, is the Community Health Centers of Burlington's Celebrate Vermont Online Auction. CHCB provides access to medical care for thousands of Vermonters each year, including over 3,000 low income, uninsured residents. Please help support this good cause while bidding on everything from local art to fine dining.

I donated two framed photography pieces, "Irises Gazing at Camel's Hump" and award-winning "Dragonfly Trio." Bidding is online at:

"Dragonfly Trio"

Friday, September 2, 2011

Your Vote is Needed!

"Antithesis" - Karen J. Lloyd
Vermont newspaper Burlington Free Press is holding a photography contest that will result in a published book of Vermont photos - "Capture My Vermont."

I have entered several of my photos taken over the past few years, including a handful from the aftermath of Hurricane Irene.

Please go and vote (and love ) my photos! I would love to be a part of this publication but I can't do it alone. Please take 5 minutes and view them now > > >

Tell your friends too...let's get the voting rolling...I might not be a famous artist yet...but how wonderful it would be to be a part of this Vermont history in photos!

thank you :)

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Success at Champlain Valley Fair 2011

With my health up and down, I hemmed and hawed about entering this year's Champlain Valley Fair, but with the encouragement of friends I am glad I pushed through and mailed in my entry form. Last Saturday I got the call: my photo "Drafts & Ferris Wheel" won 2nd place in the Fair Theme category and my photo "Downtown Winooski in Snow" garnered a 3rd place in the Store Fronts category! Read more at my website

"Downtown Winooski in Snow" is a shot I took back in 2007, the day after the historic Valentine's Day Blizzard. Very few cars ventured out that morning, most businesses were closed, and the sheer amount of white piles created a special photographic moment. I lived in easy walking distance from downtown, so donning my gaiters and crampons I trudged to Main St feeling exhilarated. It was great to have this photo finally see the light of day.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Last Week of Winooski Pop-Up Gallery

Blame it on the Lyme brain, but I'm just realizing I completely forgot to keep this Blog updated with my participation in the amazing art event "Winooski Pop-up Gallery." Our Grand Opening was on June 24 with an impressive strong turn-out and several prominent members of the community represented, such as Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin and Winooski Mayor Mike O'Brien. I hope to post more about the Opening in a future Blog posting.

Sadly all good things must come to an end. Only 3 open gallery days remain for this project. Come stop by and view art by nearly 50 talented Vermonters in 5 pop-up galleries located in the vacant retail spaces along Winooski's rotary area in the downtown. Free parking is available in the parking garage.

Open Gallery:
Thursday July 28 - Saturday July 30: 12 Noon - 6 PM

My photography and art reproductions on ceramic tiles are featured in the Stoplight Gallery, located 1st up the hill from Asian Bistro, near the traffic light. The Stoplight Gallery also features these talented artists: Jessica Beaudoin, Cody Brgant, Robert Waldo Brunelle Jr, Jean Cannon, Heather Fromkin, Kate Longmaid, Jayne Shoup, and Francesca Werenko.

Framed Nature Photography, K. Lloyd
Art Reproduction on Ceramic Tiles, K. Lloyd

Sunday, June 19, 2011

My Official Website Is Born

Hurrah! Hurrah!

Say hello to the newest member of the family, my art's official online site:

After months and months quietly growing (ok, really more like a year!), here she is out in the world waiting for you to take a first peek! Like any newborn, there is so much potential in her future and I am excited for all our adventures to come.

Visit her today for Gallery photos, upcoming exhibit information, about the artist stories and more. You can even make purchases online in your comfy pj's if you'd like.  :) She loves having visitors so what are you waiting for?

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Art Map Burlington's Artist Database

I am excited to announce that I am now listed as a Vermont artist through the well-respected Art Map Burlington's Artist Database, which works to promote contemporary art and artists in the Greater Burlington area. I am proud to join the many other talented artists represented.

Several examples of my recent work, photography and acrylic painting, are featured on my profile along with my artist bio highlighting my passions for art and nature.

Below is an excerpt from Art Map Burlington's website highlighting what they do:

"Art Map Burlington reports on contemporary art in Greater Burlington: exhibitions, events, art venues, and the work of local artists. The monthly print publication includes independently written, critical reviews and articles as well as exhibition listings and maps to venues.  An almost-weekly electronic newsletter highlights events and articles. Kasini House, a Vermont company, has been publishing Art Map Burlington since April 2006."

Sunday, May 15, 2011


In life, transitions happen throughout, sometimes in cyclical form like the changing seasons, and sometimes in more permanent or long-term shifts such as moving to a new location. In the past month, we have all experienced the move into Springtime after a long, harsh winter. Also in the past month, I have begun to grapple with a more challenging transition: attempting to accept that my chronic Lyme disease is not yet under control enough to return to regular full-time work.

Transitions can be disconcerting, desired, or even sought, depending on the situation. But I am feeling a good deal of sadness, as I loved the job I had for 4 years, and resisted the limitations of my illness for a long time. Reality can be a hard thing to accept.

Storm Moon, 2011
I am blessed to be surrounded by so much love and light, guiding and supporting me through a transition I had not envisioned. After speaking with various friends and resources, I am beginning to see some potential in what at first glance feels dis-empowering. Nature and animals have long inspired my art work, and now it is time for my own art work to inspire my soul. Lyme may currently limit my ability to work scheduled hours, but my art I can do at any time I feel up to creating - no set time, no expectations, no standards. Just me and my paints and my camera. With art my illness limitations are blurred and I can begin to remember the essence of my true self.

Art is often food for the soul, and although not a cure, I believe it will help sustain me through the challenges yet to come. I hope to someday soon begin donating a portion of the proceeds from my art sales towards Lyme disease research and education.

I hope that my art creations will inspire your soul too.

To Art, Light Amidst Darkness & Hope for the Future,
- Karen

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Shop My Art on Etsy!

I am excited to announce that Nature Heart Studio now has an official Etsy Shop, where you can browse and purchase my art work online using secure Paypal.

Currently several magnet designs are available. Keep checking back this month for brand new designs & the addition of coasters!

My Etsy Shop is located at:

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Spring Fever!

Even for Vermont, this winter piled on all the trappings of the long, cold season with record snowfalls. Finally, spring awaits just around the corner, or at least according to the calendar. :)

Ready for spring flowers and sunshine? Warmer weather and dragonflies? Bunnies and butterflies

Enjoy a glimmer of spring today with these cute, cheerful ceramic tile magnets

Email to order directly from me or visit one of the fine VT shops listed on the left